Raising Better With Interactive Therapies

Having a child is not so difficult, but raising one is an entirely different story. What more if you have to raise two, right? In the era where technology plays a significant role in making or breaking a child’s personality development, parents should be more aware of ways or processes to adapt to counter these distractions.

Source: cdn-images-1.medium.com

Parents sometimes use gadgets to help them with taking care of the children. It’s easy for them just to open a tablet or a phone and let the child play programs or applications that could entertain them. It’s true that it is one way of keeping a child busy, but the question —Is it good for her? Is it good for you? Is it the best way?


Health in Gadgets


“Health is Wealth,” they say. Eye-problem, obesity, autism, lack of motor skills and problematic behaviors? Do these health problems look familiar to your child? A survey, National Survey of Children’s Health, produced primarily by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration showed that these health problems are more prominent for children who use gadgets more often.


How do you get the best of both worlds? How do you manage your child, his or her personality without having to sacrifice play time? Well, Parent-Children Therapy is the best way to go!


Parent-Children Interactive Therapy


A lot of parents have a hard time with juggling career and raising a child that is why certain organizations started to conduct and create therapies which combine play and behavioral therapies between young children and their parents.


These therapies teach the parents ways and enhance their skills to counter mental disorders, personality, developmental difficulties and more. These techniques are mostly advised to parents who have advanced children aging 2 to 7 years of age.


The Process

Source: westchesterparentingcenter.com

Usually, what happens in Parent-Children therapy is that the child and the parent are being placedin a private room with a one-way mirror where a therapist can observe their behaviors and coach the parent on what to do with the use of an earphone. They supervise and study the relationship that needs to be built between parent and child.


Coaches tend to encourage the parents toavoid the use of negative language while communicating with the child.Instead, parents should focus more onpraising their kids just like what happens in the rewards system. They are equipped with strategies on how to help increase children’s vocabulary and emphasize the idea that children tend to imitate their behavior.


Effect of Interactive Therapies


Because of what parents learn from these, they become more open,and they now choose to create a closer relationship with their children. This affects the child also in a more positive way and helps them unfold better personality developments. How? They feel more loved.


Everybody wants to feel loved. Especially children, they may be young,but their feelings are very controlling. Avoidance of any negative or harmful actions toward your kid will soon have a significant impact and would lead encourage the child to become more of a better person.


Similar to anything, practice makes perfect. The continuing practice of these therapies creates a better environment for parent and children. They both become better.Further, they grow together and understand more about each other.


Where to Find a Therapist

Source: kidsspeak.info

If you need help, there are therapists accredited by PCIT International,and they are more willing to help. It is a licensed mental service provider that can help you find the best therapist anywhere you may be,and that could suit you without sacrificing your comfortability!


Do not take any chances with your child. Remember that your kid needs the best. Your loving child needs you. 


Encouragement and excellent communication are a lot better than any gadget or technology this world has to offer. Act now and see the results as soon as possible.


Be better. Be wiser. Bring out the hero your child has seen inside you.

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