Basic Things You Need To Know About Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

When a child is exhibiting behavioral issues, one of the best ways to help him is through therapy. While the natural therapy works for most kids, it is sometimes not enough. If that’s the case, you need to turn to something that is more effective. This is where the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) comes into picture. Don’t you know what this is? Then don’t worry, because this is what we’re going to discuss today.


Written below are some of the most important things you need to know about Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. We will tell you what it is, who is it for, how it works, and what are the things you need to look for in a PCIT therapist. If you find this interesting, then you can continue reading. 

What Is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy?

It is a particular kind of therapy that can help improve the relationship between a parent and a child through interaction. It is usually done to help kids who are suffering from trauma, autism, or child behavioral conditions such as Conduct Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Research also showed that PCIT could help decrease the child’s chances of being antisocial or criminal later in life. 

When Is It Used? 

While there’s no recommended age for adults, the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy is specially developed for kids between 2 and 7 years old. 

How Does It Work? 

PCIT starts with the parent and the child placed in one room, while the therapist is in an adjacent one divided by a one-way mirror (think of those rooms where police investigators question possible crime suspects and persons of interest). The therapist will then observe and coach the parent through wireless earphones on how to properly play or interact with the child.

They will learn useful techniques, skills, and tips that can improve their relationship with the kid.  After the interaction exercise, the therapist will then tell the parent what he observed and come up with possible reasons as to why the child is acting poorly.  They will also inform the parent how he is part of the problem and what must be done to correct that. After relaying all of this information, the parent will then have to implement the things he learned and see if the child responds or interacts in a better way.


What To Look For In A Parent-Child Interaction Therapist

One of the first things you should look for is their PCIT International certification because it is a proof that they completed all the necessary training to become an efficient therapist in this field.  In addition to that, you also need to make sure that they have attained a master’s degree and acquired enough experience. But most important of all, find someone that you and your child will feel comfortable with. 

These are some of the information about Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Now that we’ve discussed with you the basics, why not do your research and see if it’s something that you and your kid can try out?


Biggest Signs That Indicate Your Child Needs Therapy


From being happy and energetic to being naughty and carefree, there are a lot of things that kids are notorious for concerning their behaviors. But aside from these, they are also known for something else, and that is being secretive. Childhood is different for everyone, and what’s easy for us may not be easy for them. Since kids these days are more exposed to things that can affect them negatively, it is our duty as adults to be mindful not only of the things that they are sharing with us but also those that they keep to themselves. It can be hard to know when a kid needs professional help, but it is possible.  

What we’re going to discuss today are some of the most common red flags that you have to look out for to find out if your child is in crisis or not.  It will give you an idea and an understanding of why there is a need for observation on a child’s different behaviors. You can read the following details provided below.


Your Child Is Acting Out 

It’s normal for kids to be unpredictable and hardheaded sometimes.But if the incidents concerning his behavior have started to escalate and become more frequent then maybe something is up.  Look out for situations such as talking back to older people, hitting their siblings or classmates, and shouting at everyone. Never tolerate your child’s bad behavior whether it’s at school or at home because it might be a sign that a more pressing issue is going on.


A Change In Sleeping And Eating Habits 

Another red flag that parents should watch out for is if there are drastic changes in their sleeping and eating patterns. These changes include longer or shorter sleep time, nightmares, binge-eating, skipping meals, and stomachaches.  If your child often experiences these things, then there’s something wrong going on. But don’t jump to any conclusions first. It is recommended that you see your child’s doctor first to know if there’s a physical condition that causes the problem. If none, then it’s time to find a therapist that could help.


Withdrawal From Friends 

One of the more dangerous signs of crisis among children is if they started avoiding their friends. It is typical for kids to fight with their peers sometimes. But if your kid starts telling that he has no friends or that he/she is a loser, then it’s time for you to step up and help.  Depression is also common among children, so don’t let your kid fall that far. 


Talks A Lot About Dying Or Death 

It’s normal for a kid to explore the idea of death. However, if your kid starts thinking or talking about it too much then that’s a major red flag.  If you think he/she might be having suicidal thoughts then get help as soon as you can.


These four are just some of the most prominent signs you need to look out for to know whether your child needs therapy and other forms of professional help or not.  Always keep them in mind so you’ll be able to help your child as much as you can.

Building a Positive Environment for Child Developmental Growth


Do you let your child see when you and your partner are arguing? Are you living in a neighborhood where there are brawls and fights are common? If you have a child and the answer is yes, then this article is must read for you. It shows how the environment can shape your child’s developmental path.

The environment plays a significant role in shaping our child developing his/her behavior and learning. This environment encompasses places such as home, school, neighborhood, and areas where your child will spend time in. In this case, parents must ensure that they can strive for a conducive environment to help nurture their child’s positive developmental growth. 

Guidelines For Creating A Positive Environment


The home is the first and primary environment that will affect his/her personality. The first thing the child sees and feels are all found here. It is a must that the child feels the emotional connection with their parents through the early years. It will help regarding his/her confidence and how to express their emotions such as love and appreciation. A loving home will teach the child how to connect with others and build their personality positively.

It is a given that their parents will be the child’s first teacher. As their first teacher, it is essential that they create a stimulating environment that will promote the child’s skill and development. Build a relaxing and positive home to help them concentrate and learn significantly during studies. Form a quiet home devoid of unnecessary noises which can affect concentration from studying. Parents should also help them explore, even if it is within the bounds of your home. It will encourage the child to think, ask questions, and find solutions, thus helping them gain experience and knowledge.

The relationship that parents share with each other has significant effects on a child’s emotional growth. It is because the parents are the closest people to the child and the first couple they will know. How parents love and respect each other will promote the child’s fondness to learn how to interact, respect, and value others. Small gestures such as hugging and holding hands are some ways to express affection.

Living in an overcrowded environment can cause adverse effects on a child’s personality and behavior. Having too many home members can reduce the time parents spend with their child. It can result in the child emotionally distancing themselves from their parents early in life due to the lack of time. Make it a habit of taking them out for a walk if there is no time and space at home or going for activities the parent and child can appreciate together. Make sure to have enough time to spend and connect with your child.


Although it is not possible to create every positive environmental quality for your child’s behavior and developmental growth, you as parents should strive the best of what you can do to develop such a place for them. It is for the sake of their future as competent individuals. 

Useful Tips On How To Convince Your Child To Undergo Counseling


Booking your child’s first ever appointment with a therapist is pretty daunting, right? Now imagine what it’s like for your kid. They might feel confused, scared, and even angry at you for doing it without their consent.  While it’s understandable that you’re only doing it for their wellness, it is also vital that you can explain to them what counseling is for and why they need to go through it. Lucky for you, there are several tips you can follow to convince your child to undergo counseling. Written below are some of the things that you can do to help your kid see that counseling is a good thing. On that note, do read on.

Explain What A Counselor Is 

One of the easiest ways to explain what counseling is to your child is to explain what a counselor does. Tell your kid that counselors are like their grown-up friends that they can confide in when they get sad or when they feel like they are stuck. The same thing goes if you have a teenager in the house that needs help. Explain that these people are there to help and not to judge them for the thoughts inside their head or for the things they did. Tell them that the counselor can help them overcome what’s making them suffer.


Tell Them That It’s Okay To Take Things Slowly 

One of the things that most kids are afraid of when it comes to meeting with counselors is the fact that they have to share personal stuff about them even though it makes themuncomfortable. Tell your child that they can choose not to talk with the counselor during their first meeting.  They can just sit there and play cards, try other games,or just read a book. There are therapists out there who can use that time of being ignored to observe how kids move and react to things. Tell them its okay to be reluctant at first, but don’t forget to encourage them to make a connection with the therapist too so that they can open up when the time is right. 


Be Open And Explain To Them Why They Need To Do It 

Sometimes it’s better to stop sugarcoating things and just tell your kid why you’re worried. Yes, things might become harder because of that but sometimes being open is what allows you to finally reach out to them and make them see why you had to ask for a professional’s help. Tell them why you’re worried but do your best not to make it sound like you’re judging them.  The last thing you want is to make them feel like it’stheir fault. 


These are just some of the many things you can tell your kid when you want to convince them to undergo counseling. Of course, it won’t be easy, but you have to talk to him.  You have to explain why it’s a good thing and reassure him that you will be there all the way. Check out BetterHelp for more info about the importance of counseling.


How To Choose The Perfect Therapist For Your Child


Seeking help for your child’s mental health is something that you should take seriously. You must be able to find the right therapist that can help your kid cope with whatever it is that’s making things difficult for him. Unfortunately, finding the perfect licensed professional that your child can get along with is pretty hard and daunting especially if you’re doing it for the first time.

Luckily, some ways can show you how to do it, and we have them right here. Here’s some information that BetterHelp had compiled for you so you know more about the kind of therapist you should consider for your child. 

Do Your Research 

The first step you should consider is doing a personal research. You can either ask the school’s counselor or any of your family and friends for recommendations. In addition to that, you can also do some research online. Find as many child therapists around your area as possible and make a list of candidates out of them. 

Gather Information 

The next thing you should do is to get relevant information about the candidates on your list. You can contact them and ask questions that you think can help in finding the appropriate therapist that suits the needs of your child. Ask about their rate, their license, their accreditations and insurance, your insurance, and if they could provide reviews from past patients. Then you can start trimming your list by eliminating those you think are unqualified. 


Ask Them Questions 

You can also ask your potential child therapists things about how they’re going to help your child. Question them about similar experiences in the pasts, their philosophy and training methods, the way they treat their patients, how they form a connection with their patients, and how you can be involved with the whole thing. These questions are important because you need to make your child feel as comfortable as possible when it comes to talking to a stranger about his problems.It is also another opportunity for you to find which therapists will be good for your child and which ones aren’t. After asking them questions, make sure to trim your list down to the best three candidates.

Set Up A Consultation 

Gather everything you know about your child’s condition and visit each of the candidates. Make sure you were able to compile all of your concerns about your kid and ask those therapists what they can do to help. It is also your chance to get a feel of what each therapy session would be. After paying all of them a visit, then it would be the time to choose which of them is more capable of delivering quality services. 

These steps should allow you to pick the right therapist for your child.  But if things don’t go as expected then don’t worry because sometimes it’s more of a trial and error thing.  Don’t throw away your list of candidates in case you’ll need to contact the others. Just don’t give up and you’ll find the right therapist that can help your child.

Effective Communication Between Parents And Children Made Easy


There are many kinds of relationships existing that people develop over a span of time.But, the most important is the relationship between the parent and child. It is qualitatively different and the most crucial.

There are some characteristics of a healthy parent-child relationship. These areflexibility, connection, appropriate boundaries, open communication,and discipline. In this article, we will be focusing on communication.

What is Communication?


Communication is the act of transferring information from one person to another. It can be verbal or non-verbal, positive or negative, effective or ineffective. It is essential for the parents to communicate effectively with their children. 

Open communication between a parent and child can benefit not only the child but the other family members as well. This will lead to a happier and healthier relationship between both parties, prevent problems that may arise in the future or minimize troubles. 

On the other hand, ineffective or harmful communications between children and parents can lead children to believe that they are unimportant or misunderstood. Self-esteem tends to get low,andthey might have a hard time making decisions for themselves because nobody taught them how to. 

Most of the children who grew up without proper communication see their parents as untrustworthy. They just prefer to keep the problems to themselves or share to their so-called friends because they are afraid that their parents might not support or disapprove them. 

Hence, it is vital for the parents to set up an open and effective communication with their children while they are still young. 

Parents’ Perspective


Raising a child is never an easy thing,but through open communication, you can raise your child effectively and prevent troubles that may arise within the family that may start from your child. A parent should communicate at their children’s level. A parent should only use words or language that are appropriate only to their child’s age.  Never shout at themand say vulgar words.

A parent should be a good listener too. Listening is a skill that must be learned and practiced. Parents must listen to what their children say or feel, whether how good or bad they are. You can show that you listen to your children by maintaining eye contact, eliminating distractions,listening with a closed mouth, asking questions and letting your children know that you are listening. 

Regular family meetings or gatherings are also essential. Family meetings can be done once a week or whenever there must be discussed.  It is a valuable tool to fix family issues and talk about problems. Always let your child be awareof these kinds of happenings,and he/she will learn how to open up with his/her family as the time pass by. 

A parent should try to make explanations clear. It is normal for the children to ask questions because they have little knowledge of the world. Use these questionsas anopportunity to teach and educate them about everything under the sun even though you are not comfortable discussing some things with them. 

A parent should always try to keep the conversation short and simple. The younger the children, the more difficult it is for them to understand. Parents should know if their children cannot understand anymore what they are saying, so it’s best to state the ideas little by little. They should also know when to back off sometimes.

Parents should bear in mind that effective communication will never turn out exactly as what you always wanted. Remember that patience with effort is the key. This will be hard at first,but with a lot of hardwork and practice, you will be achieving the healthy, happy and confident parent-child relationship.

Making use of the PRIDE Technique in Parenting


If you’ve ever had kids or been around children, you’ll know just how playful they are. During their formative years, much time will be spent playing. As parents and caregivers, we should see to it that we keep ourselves involved during playtime when we can. 


Allowing our children time on their own is essential to honing independence, but we need to balance this out with keeping a strong and nurturing connection to them. The PRIDE technique helps you with just that.


PRIDE Skills

PRIDE is an acronym that guides parents and caregivers when interacting with children. Some parents may find that even as they play with their children, they’re not making the most out of their time spent together. The acronym stands for: praise, reflect, imitate, describe and enjoy. Let’s take a look at these skills one at a time.



This is likely something many parents are already familiar with. However, praise can sometimes be easy to forget to do so. Early childhood is when children begin to learn right from wrong. By praising good behavior, they’ll know that this is something that’s good and should be repeated. Likewise, try to ignore badaction if it’s minor. Pay more attention to praise positive behavior.


For example, when the child puts away their toys after playing with them, commend them for it. You can say something like, “good job keeping your playroom very neat.”




Some parents may tend to ignore the things that their children say, as they are often naive. This is not very nurturing or productive. When spending time with your kids, reflect on what they say and voice it out. This shows that you are listening and promotes communication — which is even more critical in the life of a child after parents’ divorce, if you’re in that situation. However, try to avoid giving questions. Let your child lead the way playtime goes.


Let me present an example. A young child comments that they see a man with a funny hat on. You can answer by responding “yes, that is a very silly hat!”



Imitation is the most excellent form of flattery. This also shows approval towards your child’s actions. You can do this together (cooperative play) or separately by mimicking what your child does (parallel play).


For example, you could play dress-up together. Likewise, you can share in other activities such as dancing or coloring together.



It may be tiring and, admittedly, sometimes annoying when children describe everything. Yes, we know the couch is dirty, the sky is blue and the dog is barking. However, we have to be patient and also do the describing ourselves. This helps build vocabulary in our children and models speech.


You can try by vocalizing what the child is doing. For example, describe as they draw. “You’re drawing a sun with sunglasses. Dogs are playing on the grass in a park.”





Here’s one thing that many parents may forget about at times: enjoyment. We all get caught up in worries and stress sometimes, that we forget to take a step back and enjoy time with our kids. Allow yourself to enjoy what your kids are doing and express it to them. This isn’t just for adolescents either — being a positive part of your child’s life is also part of knowing how to handle teenage angst. This builds a warm and nurturing feeling between you and your children.


You can express this vocally. For example, “thank you for letting me color the elephant.” Likewise, you can also show enjoyment by smiling, hugging the child and staying close to them.

Why It Helps To Rely On Family Members When Depressed


You may not completely cure a family member who is depressed, but you can be the light of their darkness, and you both know it. Be the shoulder to lean on, and you may just save them. 


When the going gets tough, you should look to your family members for support. Depression isn’t to be taken lightly. If you don’t want to seek treatment, then at least seek comfort. 


It is said that depression is like “living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die.” And there is no exaggeration in that. No matter the age, race, gender, or social status in life, once depression hits you, you’ll find yourself struggling to be free from a slump. 


Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects your feelings, thoughts, and actions. It is a major disorder that has become way too common in today’s day and age. Depressed people tend to have feelings of sadness, grief, anxiety, and loss of interest in different activities. 


The illness is treatable, and it helps if you have your family members to count on. Here are reasons why: 


 1. They are your family.

You were born to live and endure life together. It helps to remember that even if you’re shy or you assume, they’d treat you indifferently after saying you are depressed, you still have to do it. Why? There’s no harm in trying. 


You are not being encouraged to open up right away. Of course, you have to take your time and see when is the right time to pour out your feelings. It is better to let someone know so you can get help, or at least have someone to rant to. 


However, not everyone has the same “supportive,” and “kind” family. If you really can’t be comfortable sharing your depression story with your friend, have a reliable friend, or a trusty old workmate who you think would be of help. 


 2. They can help you get help.

Literally. Since you are living (for the most part) with your family members, then they can encourage you to seek treatment. They can even accompany you to an appointment with different healthcare specialists. While it may seem a bit annoying (and forgive them for trying because they only want what’s best for you), they will not give up, especially as they see you everyday. 


 3. They make you smile.


Admit it. Even if your little brother is annoying as hell, you still laugh and smile if you see him doing weird things at home. That counts. Every bit of happiness counts, because it battles your depression. If you are alone, you won’t get to see them being all silly. Rely on these small, and beautiful things. It wouldn’t cure your depression, but it will be the light ofa dark day.


 4. They will be the reminder that it too shall pass.

Sometimes, even family members don’t know the right words to say or the proper actions to act upon to a depressed person. They don’t understand you fully, yes. But they listen to you. They are the reminder that your depression will get better someday. They might not be depressed, but they’ve already faced many noteworthy challenges that might give you strength. 

The Basics of PCIT and How it Can Benefit your Family

Every parent wants to raise their child right. Unfortunately, it’s not always an easy task. Each child is different, and there’s no clear-cut way to raise them. You could go through dozens of parenting books, but you’ll find that it doesn’t have all the answers. Lucky for us, psychology has come with new programs to raising kids. One approach that’s gaining more recognition today is parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). Here are the facts to know about the program.

What is PCIT?


Developed in the early 1970s by Dr. Sheila M. Eyberg, PCIT is a new form of treatment.

It combines ideas from play therapy and behavioral therapy. This form of treatment focuses on how parents or caregivers interact with children, as guided by a trained coach. It aims to improve their relationship with each other through PCIT techniques. PCIT is directed towards turning negative behavior into more positive, wanted behavior.

Who Can Benefit from It?

Newly developed, the treatment is primarily for children of ages 2 to 7. Moreover, PCIT was meant to aid parents in raising children with disruptive behavioral and emotional disorders. This includes children who experienced abuse and trauma in the past. It addresses many behavioral issues such as non-compliance, defiance and aggression.


PCIT has been found to be especially useful and productive in other situations. This form of therapy has been used when dealing with children on the autism spectrum. Likewise, it has been used with foster and adoptive families as well as at-risk families.

How is PCIT Done?


A basic PCIT program has two stages: relationship enhancement and discipline training.


First, relationship enhancement is done through child-directed interaction (CDI). Under this stage, parents are coached into developing a healthy and nurturing bond with their children. This is typically done by having the parents play and interact with their children in a controlled playroom while being observed by and guided by a coach.


Under this stage, parents are taught the acronym PRIDE, which stands for praise, reflect, imitate, describe and enjoyment. During their playtime with their children, they are meant to praise positive behavior and reflect on what their children say. Additionally, they should imitate their children’s positive behavior to show approval of it. Describing what their children are doing helps build vocabulary in the child and shows that parents are paying attention. Parents are also tasked to show enjoyment and enthusiasm for their children’s activities.


Second, discipline training is aparent-directed interaction (PDI). This time, the parent takes the lead when it comes to discipline. Under this stage, parents are to give easy-to-understand instructions to their children. They provide specific and positively-expressed commands. When the children show compliance, they are given praise. Should they prove noncompliance, the children are given a time-out, teaching the difference between correct and incorrect behavior.

How Can it Help my Family?


Every child experiences unwanted behavior at some point. Some parents may find it easier to correct their children than others. Typically used for families with children exhibiting behavioral and emotional disorders, you may see that PCIT can still benefit your family.


You may choose to go through formal treatment, where you will be coached. Conversely, you may only read up on PCIT and apply its techniques when raising your children. You’ll find that the program gives many perspectives on parenting. Better connections are made between the parent and child, creating a closer relationship that helps you raise your child right.

Raising Better With Interactive Therapies

Having a child is not so difficult, but raising one is an entirely different story. What more if you have to raise two, right? In the era where technology plays a significant role in making or breaking a child’s personality development, parents should be more aware of ways or processes to adapt to counter these distractions.


Parents sometimes use gadgets to help them with taking care of the children. It’s easy for them just to open a tablet or a phone and let the child play programs or applications that could entertain them. It’s true that it is one way of keeping a child busy, but the question —Is it good for her? Is it good for you? Is it the best way?


Health in Gadgets


“Health is Wealth,” they say. Eye-problem, obesity, autism, lack of motor skills and problematic behaviors? Do these health problems look familiar to your child? A survey, National Survey of Children’s Health, produced primarily by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration showed that these health problems are more prominent for children who use gadgets more often.


How do you get the best of both worlds? How do you manage your child, his or her personality without having to sacrifice play time? Well, Parent-Children Therapy is the best way to go!


Parent-Children Interactive Therapy


A lot of parents have a hard time with juggling career and raising a child that is why certain organizations started to conduct and create therapies which combine play and behavioral therapies between young children and their parents.


These therapies teach the parents ways and enhance their skills to counter mental disorders, personality, developmental difficulties and more. These techniques are mostly advised to parents who have advanced children aging 2 to 7 years of age.


The Process


Usually, what happens in Parent-Children therapy is that the child and the parent are being placedin a private room with a one-way mirror where a therapist can observe their behaviors and coach the parent on what to do with the use of an earphone. They supervise and study the relationship that needs to be built between parent and child.


Coaches tend to encourage the parents toavoid the use of negative language while communicating with the child.Instead, parents should focus more onpraising their kids just like what happens in the rewards system. They are equipped with strategies on how to help increase children’s vocabulary and emphasize the idea that children tend to imitate their behavior.


Effect of Interactive Therapies


Because of what parents learn from these, they become more open,and they now choose to create a closer relationship with their children. This affects the child also in a more positive way and helps them unfold better personality developments. How? They feel more loved.


Everybody wants to feel loved. Especially children, they may be young,but their feelings are very controlling. Avoidance of any negative or harmful actions toward your kid will soon have a significant impact and would lead encourage the child to become more of a better person.


Similar to anything, practice makes perfect. The continuing practice of these therapies creates a better environment for parent and children. They both become better.Further, they grow together and understand more about each other.


Where to Find a Therapist


If you need help, there are therapists accredited by PCIT International,and they are more willing to help. It is a licensed mental service provider that can help you find the best therapist anywhere you may be,and that could suit you without sacrificing your comfortability!


Do not take any chances with your child. Remember that your kid needs the best. Your loving child needs you. 


Encouragement and excellent communication are a lot better than any gadget or technology this world has to offer. Act now and see the results as soon as possible.


Be better. Be wiser. Bring out the hero your child has seen inside you.